Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Back to School Doesn't have to be a Grind

Ah the dog days of summer. If you are anything like my family, summer is a time of no schedules, sleeping in, and flying by the seat of your pants.I am lucky enough to be home with my two boys over the summer, but it can be a huge adjustment when it is time for school to start. The lazy days of summer have done just that; made us lazy.
I treasure the fact that in the summer we don't have schedules, sports practices, and for myself work. I work part-time as a teacher, so going back to school means the same for me as it does my two resistant boys. What can you do to make this better?
There are some helpful things, that I have done, that have made the transition from summer fun to back to school tolerable. First of all, get your kids closets and dressers organized. I usually do this mid summer so it is not a huge task right before school starts. An organized closet and dresser make it easier to decide what to wear to school; which brings me to my next tip:lay out what your kid wants to wear to school the night before. This alleviates fighting and having to make fashion decisions when there is little time in the morning.
Have a space or place for all of your kids school needs. I have hooks in my garage for sweatshirts or coats, a place for shoes, and a hook for book bags. All are located in the garage where we walk out the door in the morning to grab our bus.
About two weeks before school starts I try to get back to regular bed times. During this time I explain to my kids the importance of a good night sleep for school, and how for close to three months they got to stay up later than normal. Usually, with a little grummbling, they comply.
Hate the paper trail that school brings into your house? I have designated stack trays with my kids names on them for important papers that they bring home each day. Each day after school, I stand at the trash can and toss what I don't need and put the stay at home papers in the designated trays. I also write important dates on the calender which I have right next to the stack trays so I don't forget anything. I have all this cleaned out and ready the week before school starts.
One more thing that keeps us organized is to prepare lunches the night before and have a designated spot for those as well. I store the lunches in our frig in our garage since that is where the kids shoes and book bags are located. Then all we have to do is grab and go on the way out.
Finally, once school has started, a morning routine is key. I require my boys to rise, brush teeth, get dressed, and make their beds, all before they come downstairs to eat breakfast. This means no television, no video games et cetra, before all of those other things are accomplished. Then, and only then, if we have time, I allow for five minutes of t.v. or video games before we hit the door.The bottom line is allotting enough time for everything in the am.
Organization is key in getting your family ready for back to school. Take your time and use the last weeks to get ready rather than rush days before. My family and I do so much better when we have a plan and are organized. Fall is upon us so why not use the rest of the dog days to breeze into the next season.
Take Care,