Monday, February 1, 2010

Technology- Techscmology


So my husband and I were conversing over dinner the other night; yes our family actually tries to sit down and eat together, several nights a week, without the television on, without the cell phones(God Forbid) without the Blackberry. Mind you some of these devices go off but usually my family will look at me and then instantly know that if they get up to go to any of these devices they might not ever return to the dinner table.
The kids asked to be excused; I know we even have manners, hard to believe. My husband continued to tell me about a present that he did not get me for Christmas this year but that he had thought I might like. "Well don't keep me in suspense I replied. A present of any sort is always appreciated," I added. Secretly I was hoping it was some expensive jewel that was simply so rare and so hard to obtain that he was going to tell me that it was on the way from Zimbabwe.
He informed me that he was going to get me a Kindle but after careful consideration decided not to. Humm. I thought a minute and then the debate started. While the idea is okay I assured him he made the right decision. How could anyone take a wonderful book away? Well he explained that the Kindle was a book on a handheld device with many bells and whistles. You can download any book right away onto it. But why would I want to do that? "It'll save you so much time." Oh yes, that.
One of my absolute favorite things to do is go to a bookstore. I will seek out bookstores on vacation just to go in and look around. During "free" time my favorite thing to do is head to Barnes and Nobles or Borders where I can look from section to section and dream of the many places I might visit with the countless books in the stores. I love the different book jackets, the different sizes of books, the different print inside. Call me a geek but reading from a handheld doesn't seem like much fun at all. Most of the time I read I am trying to escape from the everyday stresses, like technology! Oh yes it makes some things easier for sure but does all the technology really make things better?
When I was a little girl my favorite place to ride my bike to, imagine we did not have Wii Fit so I had to go outside for exercise, was an old Tudor house that was converted into a library. There were small rooms, large rooms, even a tiny room that was once a pantry, filled with wonderful books. The house had some water issues and some of the rooms were a bit musty and as a result some of the books had a musty smell. There was a room with an old radiator in it that hissed and steamed and I loved going in that room in the winter when it was cold out.
There was an old librarian and she was not the friendliest. She was always at me to check out my books and be on my way. And where was my mother, she would always ask me? I would spend hours wandering around trying to make my decision and then when I finally made up my mind I would sit a the large wooden table in the room with the big windows. I'd look around at the men and women and kids sitting in the library. I'd wonder what they were reading and where they lived and what they liked about this place. Then I'd read for a while. Then I'd watch. Then I'd read.
I'm sorry but you can't get the same smell or feel of a book from a Kindle. You can't ask the store clerk if she liked the book you are about to buy and the librarian won't be on the Kindle wondering where your mother is. You can't get a coffee and wander around a Kindle. You can't make eye contact with another customer on a Kindle and spark a conversation. You can't touch the cover and feel the newness or oldness of the paper.
We have gotten so into our technology that we have taken away experiences. I love the experience of getting in my car or riding my bike or walking to the bookstore or library. It is part of that experience that brings me to a place where I can buy or borrow a book. It is the sight, smell , touch of the book and surroundings that keep me coming back for more. It is the conversations that I'll have or over hear. I'm sure I could talk to the Kindle but will it answer me?
Before my trip to France last year I was at Barnes and Nobles; imagine. I wanted a travel book on Southern France to help me navigate and know where to eat and stay. There were so many choices. I spotted two girls standing next to me looking at Italy travel books. Excuse me I said," I can't decide between these two books. I've never been to Europe, which do you think is better?" They both replied that the Rick Steves book was by far the best one. They chimed,"He'll be your new boyfriend! He is so awesome. He'll tell you exactly how to walk places, where to eat, what to see, all on a budget!" Wow, I replied and said thank you to the girls.
I stood talking to the girls for another few minutes. They told me they were going to Italy. I waved goodbye and thanked them again. Then I went to pay for my new treasure and the cashier said she had gone too and this was a great book. I know the Kindle could not have done all that.
You chose wisely smart husband! Meet me at the bookstore where I'll be smelling a Starbuck's and looking for a new book.

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