Monday, February 8, 2010

Try this!


Try this; think of someone or something and within forty eight hours that person or that event that you were thinking of will come back to you in some form. My husband and I have been doing this "mind" exercise for the past year and it works. Most of you reading this are probably wondering where this is coming from and what have I been smoking or drinking?

Last year my husband had a motivational speaker named James Spooner come and speak to his insurance reps. James is the owner of the Bentley Club in Harrisburg PA. In very simple terms he coaches people on the power of positive thinking and how anyone can earn the riches they want. His philosophy is based on the Napoleon Hill Foundation or the law of attraction; which is based on an essay written by Andrew Carnegie called the Gospel of Wealth.

My husband told me all about this guy Spooner and I was skeptical at first. But then we started playing this game where we think of someone or something and it almost immediately comes back to us or at least within forty eight hours. Let me give you an example. We had a huge snow storm last weekend here. I was watching the weather channel and my husband was outside shovelling snow. I watched a segment stating the importance of checking our outdoor heating unit for excess snow. The reporter said to make sure that you clear off your unit otherwise the weight of the snow could cause an unnecessary shut down of your furnace and that would not be fun during a nor'easter.

I hollered out to my husband and told him to check the unit; he smiled and said,"Spooner." I asked him what he meant and he said our neighbor had just given him the same information. Another "Spooner" philosophy is that everything is connected and there are really no coincidences. Later that day I had mentioned an old favorite movie of mine that had not been on in a while and later when we were flicking around there it was listed on the guide as being on that evening. That same day I had thought of my dad in Florida and how I needed to call him. As I was walking in the door from the grocery store the phone was ringing and it was my dad giving some information that I had suspected; my step mom is really sick. I suspected something was wrong when I hadn't heard anything from them in weeks.

Now you are probably saying, so what. Yeah things like that happen to me all the time. They are called coincidences. Maybe so but as I started thinking more and more about it I realized that the more you pay attention to this stuff the more it happens. When we first started the experiment it was maybe once a week, now it is daily. Why is this important you ask?

Part of the other Spooner or Napoleon Hill foundation is that we have the power in our minds to make things happen. Whatever your mind can conceive and believe your mind can achieve. You can achieve whatever you put your mind to regardless of your education or your past failures but you have to have positive thinking. We are all energy and the energy we put into the world is what we become. Remember Negative Nancy in one of my past blogs? There's a prime way to put negative energy into the world.

There are some key things that you need to do in order for this to work and the first thing is to write down in a notebook what it is you want to succeed at. Next you need to write down what you will give back to society as a result of your success, then you need to memorize both statements and repeat daily. Lastly,and this blew me away as I have recently written a blog on gratitude( again there are no coincidences) , you need to say a prayer of gratitude. The prayer goes something like this: I ask not for more riches but for more wisdom from the gifts I've been given at birth. We have all been given gifts at birth we need to remember what they are and put those gifts into motion; the first step is believing in our dreams! You must believe and then take action to put it out into the universe, the rest will take care of itself. Think of the possibilities!Now there is one other part to this and that is that you have to be open to it and if you are not then it will not work.

Why does this matter? I wanted to share with all of you this information as I want to become a successful author, in doing so I will give back by entertaining and informing a large audience, and I will give back by being able to donate money to important charities for children. It seems so simple and I believe it can really happen.

I think of my life with my husband. We started from humble beginnings. He has bought into this idea of positive thinking for years. He is a successful manager in a large firm; he struggled for years but once he told himself over and over that he would be successful then it happened.

I think of how many successes I've had as a triathlete. There is one thing I say to myself over and over as I am racing: I am going to finish, I am not going to be last and I have trained for this so I can win. Guess what? I have finished, I have not been last, and I have won my age group many times.

One last powerful example. A family member almost died before Christmas, in fact many family members said goodbye. It was the belief of one doctor that gave everyone hope that he could possibly make it back. Family members believed he could make it back from a coma and he did; in a short eight weeks time! The power of positive energy along with the grace of God sent him home this past Friday.

Whatever your mind can conceive and believe your mind can achieve. Try it!

I believe!

1 comment:

  1. Kelly,

    Thanks for visiting my BIKE blog today. I also believe in the world as one big connection. As I move forward in creating a second career--my public speaking career--that transforms lives with my special brand of BIKE, I know that the positive mental energy I put into it brings me closer to seeing it come true. And I also have a book--it's an Arizona travel guide--that now exists for this same reason. If there's anything I can do to help you see your dream come true, don't hesitate to visit my blog again and ask. As the E in my BIKE says, you must learn how to use your Expressive voice to get what you want out of life.

    All my best,
