Monday, January 25, 2010


Hello friends,

It has been a few days since I have been here but you should know that I have diligently been working on Karaoke Fridays. Now I am completely sick of the story and hate it. That is usually what happens after I have spent so long on anything, I begin to loathe it; in every single aspect. Oh well chalk it up to my ADD; which brings me to the next topic of balance.
Balance is a weighing device,counteracting weight,force, or influence; to equalize or bring into harmony. Ah but I like the latter where it states balance as bringing into harmony or equalizing.
The other day when I was swimming,(triathlon parallels so well with life), I realized that like triathloning, writing is a balance. I can not possibly conquer everything in one day or even one week; like triathlon, writing is a slow but steady process, but like everything else in life it is a balancing act to keep it going.
We all have things to balance: work, family, exercise, hobbies, our finances. The hard part if finding time for the things that are truly important. That is difficult because we all have different values placed on what is priority.
I think what I've learned lately is relationships and family are priority and everything else is a balance. Living every day to its fullest, now that is priority. Writing, triathlon, finances, well for now I have to keep those things in check.

See you later,

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