Tuesday, January 26, 2010



I have never liked goodbyes. Perhaps because I know it is the end of something and beginnings are so much more fun like when you are on your way somewhere or starting a vacation. The anticipation of what is to come is always so much better than after the fact.
Today I went for my swim at the YMCA where we've been members for years. The West Shore Y in Harrisburg has some interesting characters as members. The usual stay-at-home mom group, the hard core jocks, business guys and gals grabbing a quick workout between appointments, and the seniors.
No one really gives me the time of day except a cute little group of senior men. I have fondly nicknamed them my boyfriends. Most range in age between sixty and eighty. Since I've moved to Pennsylvania, four years ago, they are the only "Y" members that ever talk to me. Why couldn't it be some twenty year old hottie? Anyway there are around four or so that always talk to me.
Gene, Jack, Jack(there are two),Joe, and Francis. They all have different things they do at the "Y" but one way or another they usually make their way over to say hi while I'm running on the treadmill. I will seek them out as well to shoot the shit and procrastinate my workout.
My favorite character of the bunch is Francis. Francis is around eighty and survived quadruple bi pass surgery. He comes to spin class and usually sits on the bike next to mine. There are some talkers in this class to the point of being obnoxious, myself probably included. Francis does his own thing. He comes to class because the doc told him to exercise and since he retired his wife kicks him out of the house.
There are mostly women in spin class and when you get a group of women together for an hour the topics are flowing and abundant. You'll hear everything from what books we are reading, to the latest trend for kids, current events,religion, and yes politics. The latter is one of the reasons I haven't been for a while. Anyway the whole hour, as we are prodding and pedalling and yacking, my friend Francis pedals away with a large grin on his face. I'm not sure in agreement or in amusement of how obnoxious we are. We asked him once what he thought on a subject and he replied," What she said," and pointed to the redhead across from me. Then he said,"That is why I've been married for thirty years." We all laughed as Francis was easy going and easy to be around, unlike some of the spinners ingrained in their opinions, Francis was happy to listen.
Francis always wears a Notre Dame cap to class and sweat pants and a sweat shirt.I once asked him if he ever got too hot wearing sweats to class and he gently replied that since he developed diabetes he got cold sometimes. I was embarrassed by my own question and said I was sorry but Francis replied, "There's nothing to be sorry about kiddo." That's Francis; gentle and kind.
Francis always leaves spin class like a gentleman. He will usually leave early, he has earned that right, but always with a goodbye and a tip of his hat."Bye Francis," we will all chime. He waves and smiles.
I haven't been to spin class in a while. Today I went to swim and was thinking about Francis as I had not seen him in so long. I had heard through my "boyfriends," that he was in the hospital. I stopped on my way out today to say hi to the group. They were sitting in the lobby enjoying their post workout coffee.
I asked how things were going and then I asked Gene how Francis was doing. The two Jacks were there and Gene. Gene answered by saying,"Francis? Who is Francis?" I said,"you know Francis, he always does spin class with us?" Jack responded by saying,"Fran? He's married to Pat?" Yes I responded although I had never met Pat. They all looked at me with a blank stare and then Jack said,"Fran passed away a few months ago." I felt sick to my stomach. Jack continued to tell me that his last name was Hannon and that he had worked for Mars Candy as a salesman for thirty years. I realized how little I knew of the kind man in my spin class. Jack also said that his wife Pat was still coming to the "Y."
I never met Pat before but I hoped the next time I go to the YMCA to meet her. I will tell her how special Francis was to me and that he always said hello and made me smile. I wish the last time I saw Francis I knew it was going to be goodbye as I would have hugged him for always seeming like he was happy to see me.
That is the trouble with goodbye; there are no more hellos.

Until we meet again,

1 comment:

  1. That's awful Kelly. I'm so sorry. I hope you get to meet his wife. Your story is beautiful. Brings me to tears.
