Thursday, January 28, 2010

Negative Nancy


Well my usual Susie Sunshine, Pollyanna personality finally came to an end the other night. That's right, I let the other side of my head come out. While I have a Pollyanna side the other part of my ego is the three headed negative monster I'll name Negative Nancy.
Negative Nancy can ruin just about anything. She came out the other night after I had written my blog about dear old Francis. I was happy with what I wrote about my friend but I was also feeling a little melancholy. Then like a cloud of black smoke a pop up appeared in my computer. The pop-up said that I had a virus in my computer and that I'd better download this software or else! Being the technologically challenged girl I am I fell for it.
Basically all hell broke out on my computer. I had infected my computer by downloading this software that was supposed to help me! These companies and people who put this stuff out there should be shot;okay well maybe just punished.
That is when Negative Nancy appeared. My other ego reminded me of how stupid I can be and how could I fall for such a scam. Nancy really let me have it and then started telling me how horrible of writer I am and how this goal is unattainable and how could I think I could accomplish my dreams? Nancy is a pain in the ass. Nancy had me in tears feeling sorry for myself. She is like the "so called" friend in your life that is always telling you that you can't do something; you know the type everyone knows someone like that.
Negative Nancy got me in a fight with my husband as then I started to question everything about our relationship. Negative Nancy is so clever. She then got me so upset as everything in my house needs to be replaced and remodeled, I am fat, I am a horrible mother, I am horrible at being married, I am basically worthless.
Negative Nancy ruined my night. She had me in tears and feeling miserable and she even had my poor husband wondering what to say. He was scared to death of Negative Nancy! Finally my husband was able to break through her with some really powerful words.
He said I feel like that all the time but I tell myself that,"I am the guy." This got Negative Nancy's attention! "What do you mean?" she said. He continued to tell her that he goes to work every day telling himself that he is number one and that he can conquer anything. Negative Nancy was skeptical. He continued to explain that the reason he is so successful is because he won't let negative thoughts in."If you keep telling yourself these things it will be true," he said. "Look at our life. We have always said our goals and dreams out loud and they have pretty much happened." Kind of like a self fulfilling prophecy Nancy asked? "Exactly!" he said.
Negative Nancy started to go the corner and Susie Sunshine was starting to emerge again. "You mean I matter? I am not a bad mom and I am not stupid because I infected our computer? Just because I have stayed home with kids doesn't mean I am not successful in my own right? Maybe I could get my writing published?" My husband smiled and said, "Exactly!" We have self talk all the time but it is what we tell ourselves over and over that we become.
Pollyanna woke up, wiped the tears from her eyes, and said," Hey you know what, I was thinking the other day and I have a really good idea for a business." My husband raised his eyebrow and said," lets hear it." He listened and smiled and said, "My entire office would be into that!"
Negative Nancy ran for the door. Susie and Pollyanna called after her," Don't let the door hit you on the way out! Sianara sucker! See you later Nancy!"
Hello Susie Sunshine! Now I know why I married you I thought. Susie wasn't quite ready to say it out loud, but she sure thought it!

I have to go now so I can clean out Negative Nancy's closet.


  1. TELL your husband he's a great guy don't just think it!

    You can do ABSOLUTELY anything you put your mind to - I know you!

    How about lunch next week? Monday or Wednesday??

  2. You are wonderful, smart and very needed! I don't think bad moms would stay up all night with a sick child! I hope NN doesn't visit again.
    Remember, no one is good at everything...I can be good on computers, but I can't decorate or even match my clothes. If we all could do everything, how boring the world would be. Mark is right, but don't tell him I said that! :)

  3. Okay I finally figured out how to post a comment on here the genius that I am. Thanks so much for reading, I don't feel like quite a loser as I have a few followers now. One of the followers is myself- ha ha
    Karen, yes to lunch nxt wk depends on subbing but as of now open either day so I'll touch base with you:)
