Monday, January 18, 2010


Hello again,

Okay so I missed a blog yesterday, in fact I did not write at all;again baby steps. The one thing about my writing is that even though I didn't log into the computer or log into my blog I did think about how I want to end Karaoke Fridays, my latest story. So does that count? I'm thinking it does because as a writer I need to play out certain scenes in my mind before I write them down; this is part of the process so I believe that it totally counts. I am very visual. I have to sort of see a movie or picture play out in my mind a few times before I am comfortable with it. That is where triathlon comes into play. When I am running, swimming, biking it is also thinking time and it is there that I can play out scenes and ideas in my mind most clearly. The two tie in very well together. In fact this very moment I am jonesing for a run, which leads me to my next point;commitment.
Commitment is to perform or do; pledge. Aha pledge, so by pledging to write or think about what I want to write I may actually do this. I've read that it takes about two weeks to form a habit. I am on week two. So maybe it is not about commitment but rather habit? Humm. I think it is the ability to do both. Once I commit to something I am more apt to finish. When I commit or sign up for a race I am more apt to do it as I've payed money, I've told people, I've commited to completing the race. After a while the workouts become habitual. I am approaching writing the same way. So today, after this blog, after I run( I can't do anything until that is done), I have to commit to sitting in this chair and finishing Karaoke Fridays. I'll let you know how it goes tomorrow!

P.S. If any of you are reading this please let me know. I feel like this is more of a diary than anything. Also I am worried about posting stories on here without having my work copyrighted so if any of you know anything about that let me know.


  1. Hi Kelly. Yes...I am reading. :)
    I especially liked your kindergarten story in Wellsville. Didn't know they had a separate building. Sounds really neat. Have fun writing and congrats on finishing your story! Karen.

  2. finally figured out how to respond to my comments! Daa! Thanks for reading:)
